
VersionDate loggedFeatures
NeoNexus 0.2.02023-11-05 01:24:39Available at
- Folders
- Live collaboration
- New era of note-taking
NEXUS 0.1.22023-09-12 12:27:0512th September
- Added subjects and modules
- Released BETA Desktop application Download here
NEXUS 0.1.12023-09-08 23:37:569th September
- Added DoNotes Desktop (Nexus Beta) to connect your DoNotes account with the app, and download and edit notes, as well as easily edit and create offline notes
- Add Image upload
- Bug fixes
- Release DoNotes App alpha as a website:
NEXUS 0.12023-08-28 17:15:1228th August 2023
Online BETA
- Phased out old DoNotes
- Added chores
- Re-built note-taking platform
- Repaired migrator
- Migrated all accounts
- Bug fixes
NEXUS 0.0.42023-08-15 21:39:4315th August 2023
Online BETA test
- Introduced 'tile' dashboard
- Dashboard sections can be temporarily rearranged
NEXUS 0.032023-08-08 08:31:177th August 2023
Online Beta Test
- Added encryption to notes and note thumbnails
- Secured DnDrive files
- Added Delete and Download for DnDrive files
- Demoted all BETA accounts from Unlimited to the base (free) plan
NEXUS 0.0.22023-07-05 13:54:095th July 2023
- Revamped entire site design
- Incorporated note editor into database (so users can create and edit notes)
- Existing notes from DoNotes V5 and prior not able to be converted yet
- Created changelog
NEXUS 0.0.12023-07-05 13:52:453rd July 2023
- Public BETA test
- Recreated DoNotes from the ground up
- Text can now be dragged and dropped around
- Enhanced note-taking
- Facelifted note editor
- Bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, fonts, superscript and subscript now all on textboxes
- TINYMCE text editor being phased out
- Beginning of implementation of useful and intuitive keyboard shortcuts
- Improved optimisation
- Bug fixes
5.22023-07-05 13:43:57March 2023
- Added unlimited colour customisation on pen
- Bug fixes
- Improved optimisation
5.12023-07-05 13:43:04January 2023
- Added Image and PDF Imports
- Reduced DnDrive size to 300MB due to server limitations
- Calendar-based todos
- Improved optimisation
- Bug fixes
5.02023-07-05 13:42:12December 2022
- Switched drawing method to Fabric API
- (this allowed us to)
- Drag drawings around
- Add anti-aliasing to pen
4.02023-07-05 13:40:38November 2022
- Re-built from the ground-up
- Optimised integrated TINY MCE editor
- Added integrated drawing - You can now drow ON the notes
- Introduced workflows
- Increased optimisation
- Bug fixes
3.02023-07-05 13:38:25Mid 2022
- Facelifted the note editor,
- Increased optimisation
- Bug fixes
22023-07-05 13:35:26January 2022
- DnDraw now pop-up window
- Autosave
- Subject sorting
- Delete notes & subjects
- DnDrive - free 5GB online storage
- Added free study notes, and the option to publish notes
12023-07-05 13:31:44Released November 2021
- TINYMCE Integrated -editor
- Seperated DnDraw to be able to draw basic images and import them
- User accounts system